This Might Be My Worst Photo Ever

This Might Be My Worst Photo Ever

This is the story of one of the worst photos I've ever taken. Can you even guess what the subject of this photo is?: Probably not. What I learned: "bad" photos still (eventually) make good photographers In the 90s, I got my first camera. It was a plastic point &...

SEO Tips for Website Photos

SEO Tips for Website Photos

Adding a title, filename and alt text to your photos will boost your SEO. Here's a workflow to follow when using Lightroom Mobile and uploading your photos to your website: In Lightroom Mobile, go to the full view of your photo. In the top left corner, click on the...

How to Improve Your Photos of People

How to Improve Your Photos of People

Mobile phone cameras have limitations. The one that I struggle with the most is the wide angle lens and how limiting it can be. Wide angle lenses are known to stretch, distort and create exaggerated angles that are not true to life. This is especially challenging when...

When to Hire a Pro Photographer, and When Not To

When to Hire a Pro Photographer, and When Not To

When planning a photo shoot, there’s a lot to consider. One of the main things to think about is whether you’re going to shoot it on a phone camera or hire a professional photographer. This can be a daunting decision with many potential challenges and outcomes, so...

I Want YOUR Input!

I Want YOUR Input!

I just launched my new online membership website, and I'm looking for people like you to be a part of building the success of this online community! I'm looking for Founding Members to be one of the first to join the community and give direct input on the type of...

Everyone is Creative: Yes, Even You!

Everyone is Creative: Yes, Even You!

I believe everyone is creative. It may be hard for some of us to think of ourselves as creative if we don’t have a specific artistic talent, but I believe that creativity goes well beyond just that. Humans are inherently creative and we are all born with a brain...

Gear Review: Handheld LED Light Stick

Gear Review: Handheld LED Light Stick

One of the best lights I own for iPhone photography is my LED Stick Light (or a lightsaber, as everyone calls it whenever they see it!). I bought it back in 2021 when I was looking for a continuous light that was both soft but bright. I found it on Amazon and I've...

Gear Review: Ring Light and Bluetooth Camera Remote

Gear Review: Ring Light and Bluetooth Camera Remote

When the pandemic started and Zoom calls were the norm, everyone (me included) hurried off to buy a ring light online. What I didn't realize at the time was that my ring light would become much more than just a lighting tool. It's become my go-to iPhone camera tripod...

Aspect Ratios for Instagram Photos

Aspect Ratios for Instagram Photos

When sharing photos on Instagram, the aspect ratio changes depending on what you are posting. For vertical posts, the aspect ratio is 4x5. You'll notice that Instagram automatically crops your vertical photos to fit inside that ratio, since digital cameras, including...

4 Tips for Better Selfies

4 Tips for Better Selfies

We all know that showing up on our social media platform gets a lot of attention and engagement from our audience, especially when we show our face and share a personal caption. People are more likely to engage with our brand if they feel a personal connection to the...