Gear Review: Ring Light and Bluetooth Camera Remote

Gear Review: Ring Light and Bluetooth Camera Remote

When the pandemic started and Zoom calls were the norm, everyone (me included) hurried off to buy a ring light online. What I didn't realize at the time was that my ring light would become much more than just a lighting tool. It's become my go-to iPhone camera tripod...

Aspect Ratios for Instagram Photos

Aspect Ratios for Instagram Photos

When sharing photos on Instagram, the aspect ratio changes depending on what you are posting. For vertical posts, the aspect ratio is 4x5. You'll notice that Instagram automatically crops your vertical photos to fit inside that ratio, since digital cameras, including...

4 Tips for Better Selfies

4 Tips for Better Selfies

We all know that showing up on our social media platform gets a lot of attention and engagement from our audience, especially when we show our face and share a personal caption. People are more likely to engage with our brand if they feel a personal connection to the...

Top 5 Spots to Take Photos in Zion National Park

Top 5 Spots to Take Photos in Zion National Park

Going on a photography trip to Zion National Park in the Winter was an unforgettable experience. In the week I was there, my favourite photos came from five key locations. Here are my favourite five spots in Zion to take photos: #1 - the trail leading to Angels...

Recipe of a Photo: Winter Sunrise Landscape

Recipe of a Photo: Winter Sunrise Landscape

For this Recipe of a Photo, I'll be unpacking my process for taking a sunrise landscape photo in Winter. I started with this photo, and here's the unedited version: Taking this photo was unplanned. After driving out to the country to visit some family, I stepped out...